MetroKC Application

Missouri Residents desiring to document eligibility for the MetroKC tuition rate at the KU Edwards Campus should provide the following evidence of continuous residence in Bates, Buchanan, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte or Ray County (one of the Eleven Counties), Missouri for at least the past 12 months (the continuous 365-day period immediately prior to the first day of classes for a specified term or session). These factors while not conclusive, shall be given probative value in the support of a claim for eligibility of the MetroKC tuition rate. Application deadline is 30 days from the first day of each semester. 

Documentation required of all items listed below:

  1. Voter registration in one of the 11 counties          
  2. Vehicle registration in one of the 11 counties
  3. Payment of personal property taxes in one of the 11 counties
  4. If you’re leasing/renting a place to live in one the 11 counties, please provide a copy of the lease or a statement from your landlord. If you’re living in a home that you own in one of the 11 counties, you can provide a personal property tax statement; if you’re providing a personal property tax statement for #3 (above), you can use that documentation for this requirement as well.

Certification: I believe I qualify for the MetroKC tuition rate at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus under the provisions of this agreement and therefore apply for the privilege of the MetroKC tuition rate. I understand this application will be audited and if I am determined to be ineligible (including withdrawing from appropriate course work or from the University of Kansas), I will be required to pay non-resident fees for the indicated term. ** I understand that each semester here after I must submit an email requesting the MetroKC tuition rate to


Lisa Browning

Student Services Coordinator
