KUEC health sciences degree opens doors to many career paths

KU Edwards Campus Bachelor of Health Sciences online degree offers students opportunities to start or advance their careers in healthcare. 

A man in blue scrubs talks with a woman in a business suit

For students looking to enter or grow their careers in health care, the KU Edwards Campus Bachelor of Health Sciences online degree is a door opener. 

The health sciences degree program is structured for students who are not pursuing medical or nursing school.

“There is a wide variety of nonclinical career opportunities in health sciences and a great need for workers,” said Mark Jakubauskas, Ph.D., director of the Bachelor of Health Sciences degree program. 

Those careers include health care management, nutrition, public health, wellness, research, health education, clinical trial management, or public policy.

Students can tailor their degree to their professional goals through five minors, including clinical trials management, environmental health, nutrition, public and population health, and health policy and management. 

“All courses are completely online and asynchronous,” said Jakubauskas. “This makes it easier for working adults who need flexibility to complete their educational pursuits. Many of our students are working adults who are juggling jobs, kids and school.”

Two students shared their coursework and experience in the health sciences program and explained what earning the degree means to them. 

Rachel Nass
Getting her undergraduate degree kept creeping higher on Rachel Nass’ bucket list. A married mother of two — three, if you count the family dog — she is balancing a job while pursuing her degree online in health sciences. The degree is the perfect fit for her work as a clinical trials coordinator at Children’s Mercy Hospital.

“My minors are in population and public health and health policy and management,” Nass said. “I can apply what I am learning in my classes on the job in my interactions with patients and my work with clinical trial regulatory requirements.” 

Although she has a deep interest in biotechnology and genomics, Nass shifted her focus to public health and accessibility aspects that exist within medicine and clinical research. Her specific concern is in disparities in health care affecting communities of color, disadvantaged communities, and the disabled. 

While Nass will complete her degree in May 2025, she hasn’t ruled out pursuing a graduate degree.

“I consider myself to be a lifelong learner,” she said. “If the opportunity presents itself, I will pursue it with everything I have.” 

Apollonia Orozco
The COVID-19 pandemic was the catalyst for Apollonia Orozco returning to college to earn her bachelor’s degree. 

“During that time, I found myself wondering what I was going to do with my life,” Orozco said. “I wanted to continue my education. I had earned my associate degree years before and wanted to go back and get my bachelor’s degree.” And she always wanted a KU degree.

The years of balancing kids, school, and work have eased for Orozco. She graduated in May with a bachelor’s degree in health sciences. 

“It was a struggle sometimes, but being able to complete my coursework online to earn the degree has been great for me,” she said.

She also cited the support she received from her instructors.

“I found everyone to be extremely helpful, available, and always ready to answer my questions, even if it was a little late in the evening.”

Faculty strives to be supportive and available to students in the program.

“It’s not unusual for me to get an email or a text with a question late in the evening or on a weekend,” Jakubauskas said.

Now that she’s graduated, Orozco will put her health sciences degree to work in clinical oncology. 

Learn more about our Bachelor in Health Sciences degree today

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