KU Edwards Campus Honors Program
Continue or start your honors learning at the KU Edwards Campus
As an academically exceptional student, you want an academic program that will challenge you intellectually, set you up for professional success, and recognize the great work you’ve already accomplished. The KU Edwards Campus Honors Program is here to help you get the most out of your college experience, whether you’re transferring from a community college honors program, or just getting started on your honors journey.
What can the KU Edwards Campus Honors Program offer me?
The KU Honors Program provides a unique, supportive community for students focused on optimizing their education.
As part of the KU’s University Honors Program, you’ll be joining one of the top-ranked honors programs in the nation. KU honors students study abroad, undertake graduate-level research, and find success in their professional field more often, and earlier, than their peers.
As a community college honors transfer student, you can easily transfer the honors credits you’ve already earned toward credit at the KU Edwards Campus, without the need for an approval process.
You’ll also experience:
- Intellectually challenging courses.
- Hands-on enhanced learning experiences.
- Study abroad opportunities.
- The opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty.
- Access to competitive awards and scholarships.
- Early enrollment each semester.
Awards and Scholarships
The KU University Honors Program offers many opportunities for awards and scholarships to help you pay for your education. Visit the Honors Scholarships web page for more information, and speak to an honors advisor to learn more about requirements.
How do I graduate with Honors?
In addition to the university’s graduation requirement, students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours, four distinct Enhanced Learning Experiences (ELEs), and have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Honor credits
Students must complete a total of 18 honors credit hours. Students may transfer up to nine credits hours of honors from other institutions. In addition, honor students are required to participate in the annual Hawk Talks conference, where they present their own research or other projects. These projects are usually in conjunction with work they are doing for their degree.
Four Enhanced Learning Experiences
Honors students gain expanded perspectives when they extend learning beyond boundaries, stretch into new spaces, and apply what they’ve learned. To graduate with honors, students complete four distinct Enhanced Learning Experiences (ELEs) from eight possible categories. Visit the Experience web page for more information.
Transfer students can get credit for two ELEs from prior institutions.
Minimum GPA
Students must obtain a minimum KU cumulative GPA of a 3.25 in order to complete the program and graduate with the honors designation.
All transfer and current KU student applications go through a comprehensive review process that considers each applicant's academic credentials and involvement.
Successful applicants exhibit the qualities we expect out of a University Honors student by earning strong grades, challenging themselves through new experiences, and being actively involved with their current campus community.
Applications must have submitted at least one semester of college grades and transfer students must have already applied to KU. Students with less than four semesters remaining before graduating are generally not admitted to the University Honors Program, unless they can provide a plan for completing curricular requirements within their remaining time at KU.
Apply by Oct. 31 for spring semester enrollment, or March 31 for the fall. An application includes:
- Non-official transcripts or prior admission to KU.
- Answer the essay question.
- Respond to each of the short answer questions.
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