Angela Gist-Mackey, Ph.D.

- Assistant Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
Angela Gist-Mackey is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas with an expertise in organizational communication. After her career in the advertising industry where she served as a Senior Account Executive managing campaigns for regional, national, and global consumer and business-to-business brands, she decided to pursue a doctorate in communication. Dr. Gist-Mackey is an interpretive critical scholar who largely researches issues of social mobility and power related to organizational contexts. Her program of research frequently combines three areas of interest: social class, social identity, and organizational culture. Her most recent research analyzed the experiences of the unemployed across social class groups (working and upper/middle class) while they managed joblessness through organizational memberships. She also examines the identity work and negotiation of individuals’ experiences as they cope with stigma. Dr. Gist-Mackey teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational communication, interviewing, organizational culture, identity, and qualitative methods.
Education —
Doctoral Marshal Honor
Selected Publications —
Gist-Mackey, A. N. (in press). Dis(embodying) job search communication training: Comparative, critical ethnographic analysis of materiality and discourse during the unequal search for work. Organization Studies.
Gist-Mackey, A. N. (in press). “You’re Doing Great. Keep Doing What You’re Doing”: Sociallysupportive communication during first-generation college students’ socialization. Communication Education.
Gist, A. N. (2017). “I Knew America Was Not Ready For a Woman to Be President”: Commentary on the Dominant Structural Intersections Organized around the Presidency and Voting Rights. Women’s Studies in Communication, 40, doi: 10.1080/07491409.2017.1302261
Gist, A. N. (2017). Class and Organizing. International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Gist, A. N. & Goldstein Hode, M. (2017). Race and Organizing. International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Gist, A. N. (2016). Challenging Assumptions Underlying the Metamorphosis Phase: Ethnographic Analysis of Metamorphosis Within an Unemployment Organization. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 16(1). doi: 10.1080/17459435.2015.1088891
Gist, A. N., Jensen, P. R., Wickert, J. E., & Meisenbach, R. M. (2016). Working with Stigma: Identity Management in the Quest for Employment" in J. P. Fyke, J. Faris, & P.M. Buzzanell (Eds.) (2016). Cases in organizational and managerial communication: Stretching boundaries. New York: Routledge.
Gist, A. N. (2015). Volunteering in the Age Old Search for Work in J. Mize Smith, & M.W. Kramer (Eds.), Case Studies in Volunteering and NGOs. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Gist, M., & Gist, A. N. (2013). Self-Efficacy. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Management. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199846740-0043
Selected Presentations —
Gist, A. N. (2017). “I’m so happy you’re Black…”: Racialized disclosure during ethnographic fieldwork. Paper panel submission accepted to the Ethnography Division in National Communication Association in Dallas, TX.
Gist, A. N. & Guy, A. (2017). Drowning in “quicksand”: Theoretical exploration of social support in decision making processes among the financially insecure. Paper accepted to the Organizational Communication Division in National Communication Association in Dallas, TX.
Wickert, J., Gist, A. N. & Dougherty, D. (2017). Using Communication Withdrawal to Manage Unemployment Stigma. Paper accepted to the Organizational Communication Division in National Communication Association in Dallas, TX
Gist, A. N., Wiley, M., & Erba, J. (2016, November). “I knew that this wouldn’t be an easy step” Qualitative analysis of social support communication during socialization processes of firstgeneration college students. Paper accepted to the Applied Communication Division in National Communication Association in Philadelphia, PA.
Gist, A. N. (2016, April). Challenging Classed Communication Privilege and Methodological Bias. Accepted to the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group in the Central States Communication Association Conference in Grand Rapids, MI.
Gist, A. N. (2016, April). Organizational Communication Curriculum Development. Accepted to the Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group in the Central States Communication Association Conference in Grand Rapids, MI.
Gist, A. N. (2015, November). Childlike cultural assumptions of the working-class unemployed: Critical ethnographic analysis of a blue-collar unemployment support organization. Accepted to the Organizational Communication Division in the National Communication Association in Las Vegas, NV.
Gist, A.N. (2015, May). Dis(embodying) job search communication: Critical, qualitative analysis of social class materiality, and discourse during unemployment. Accepted to Organizational Communication Division in International Communication Association in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Gist, A.N. (2014, November). Material need or networking: A critical ethnographic analysis of job seekers relationship with food across social class lines. Paper accepted to the Organizational Communication Division in the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.
Gist, A.N. & Dougherty, D.S. (2014, November). Weaving the web-of-power through divergent job search communication training for the working and middle classes. Paper accepted to the Organizational Communication Division in National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.
Gist, A.N. (2014, May). Classing organizational support: A critical, comparative ethnographic analysis of unemployment organizations. Accepted to Organizational Communication Division in the International Communication Association in Seattle, WA.
Gist, A.N. (2014, May). "(Re)imagining the metamorphosis phase of socialization: Ethical responsibility of preventing metamorphosis within unemployment organizations. Accepted to Organizational Communication Division Pre-Conference in the International Communication Association in Seattle, WA.
Gist, A.N. (2013, October). Preliminary Dissertation Findings - Managing unemployment: A comparative critical ethnographic analysis of unemployment organizations. Presented at the Organizational Communication Mini Conference in Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Goldstein Hode, M.& Gist, A.N. (2013, June). When Racism and Professionalism Collide: Negotiating Racial Identity Threats on a Predominantly White Campus. Presented at the Ethnicity and Race In Communication Division at the International Communication Association Convention in London, UK.
Gist, A.N., Dougherty, D.S., & Wickert, J.E. (2013, April). Liquefying identities: unemployment and the negotiation of social identity. Presented on the Top Paper Panel in Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group at Central States Communication Association annual convention in Kansas City, MO.
Wickert, J.E., Dougherty, D.S. & Gist, A.N. (2012, November). Lost in Uncertainty: How the Unemployed Experience and Manage their Uncertainty. Presented at the Applied Communication Division at NCA annual convention in Orlando, FL.
Gist, A.N. (2012, November). Complicating Organizational Communication Research Agendas: Considering Social Class in Organizational Culture Scholarship. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual convention in Orlando, FL.
Gist, A.N. (2012, October). Dissertation Prospectus – Managing Unemployment: A critical ethnographic analysis of reemployment organizations. Presented at the Organizational Communication Mini Conference in Norman, OK.
Gist, A.N. (2012, April). Crystallizing Communication: Breaking our Intradisciplinary Regime. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at CSCA annual convention in Cleveland, OH.
Gist, A.N. (2011, November). An adapted typology and meta-theoretical analysis of discursive strategies: Communicative navigation of social class differences. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual convention in New Orleans, LA.
Gist, A.N. & Kramer, M.W. (2011, November). Communication and organizational outcomes in a volunteer organization: citizenship behavior and beyond. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual convention in New Orleans, LA.
Gist, A.N. (2010, November). The discourse of gossip, power, and organizations. Presented at the Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual convention in San Francisco, CA.
Meisenbach, R.J., Gist, A.N., & Chou, C. (2010, November). Working for a Cause?: Exploring Sources and Functions of Identification among Fund-raisers” Organizational Communication Division at NCA annual convention in San Francisco, CA.
Gist, A.N. (2010, October). Grad Student Scuttlebutt: A grounded theory analysis of gossip and sensemaking. Presented at the Organizational Communication Mini Conference in New Brunswick, NJ.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Gist, A. N. (April, 2017) American Association of University Women, American Fellowships Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants. (awarded, $6,000)
Gist, A. N. (October, 2016) NCA’s Advancing the Discipline Grant (not awarded)
Gist, A. N. (August, 2016) New Faculty General Research Fund, University of Kansas (awarded, $8,000)
Erba, J., Geana, M. & Gist, A. N. (April, 2015) Submitted Application for Waterhouse Family Institute Grant for the study of Communication and Society. (not awarded)
Erba, J., Geana, M. & Gist, A. N. (March, 2015) Collaborative Research Seed Grant. University of Kansas Hall Center for the Humanities. (not awarded)
Gist, A. N., Dougherty, D. S., & Wickert, J. E. (2011). Liquefying identities: unemployment and the negotiation of social identity. $1,000 grant from the Research Council, University of Missouri.
Gist, A. N. (2013). Managing Unemployment: A Comparative Critical Ethnographic Analysis of Unemployment Organizations. $700 from Rebecca Verser & Alumni Graduate Student Support Fund.