Tracy Russo, Ph.D.

- Emeritus Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
Tracy Russo is Emeritus Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas. She teaches classes in organizational communication and communication theory at both Edwards and Lawrence campuses and provides business communication coaching and training for organizations. Her current research interests are communication and learning among generations and communication processes involved in attachment, trust, and feedback. She received a Pew National Fellowship for Carnegie Scholars in 2001 to research presence in online environments and was awarded a Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence at KU in 2003.
Before her academic work, Tracy worked for Knight-Ridder Financial Information for 17 years in roles ranging from assistant copy editor to Vice President Editorial and later Vice President Operations. Tracy earned a doctorate in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas in 1995. She has an MBA from the Rockhurst University’s Executive Fellows program, an MS in TV-Radio from Syracuse University, and a BA in Radio-TV from Indiana University.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Craig, B. & Russo, T.C. (2015). Implications for constructing the “Serviceable Other”: Desired vs. actual outcomes in Rotary’s international service projects. In M. Kramer, L. Lewis, & L. Gossitt, Volunteering and Communication Volume II: Studies in International and Intercultural Contexts.
Haugen, J. E., Ovard, J., Helens-Hart, R., Russo, T. C. (2013). Speaker-Audience Communication COMS 130: The Handbook. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.
Russo, T.C. (2013). Examining Millennial characterizations as guidance for choosing classroom strategy changes. International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning¸7(2).
Russo, T.C. (2008). They just don’t get it: Responding to generational differences. Quality Management Forum
Russo, T.C., & Ford, D.J. (2006). Teachers’ reflection on reflection practice. Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning, 2(2), 1-12.
Russo, T.C., & Koesten, J. (2005). Prestige, centrality and learning: A social network analysis of an online class. Communication Education, 54(3), 254-261.
Russo, T. & Benson, S. (2005). Learning with invisible others: Perceptions of online presence and their relationship to cognitive and affective learning. Educational Technology and Society, 8(1), 54-62.
Spaulding, R. J., Russo, T., Cook, D. J., & Doolittle, G. C. (2005) Diffusion theory and telemedicine adoption by Kansas healthcare providers: Critical factors in telemedicine adoption for improved patient access. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare,11
Russo, T.C., & Campbell, S.W. (2004).Perceptions of mediated presence in an asynchronous online course: Interplay of communication behaviors and medium. Distance Education, 25(2), 215-232.
Campbell, S., & Russo, T.C. (2003). The social construction of mobile telephony: An application of the social influence model to perceptions and uses of mobile phones within personal communication networks. Communication Monographs, 70(4), 317-334.
Chadwick, S. A., & Russo, T. C. (2002). Virtual Visiting Professors: Communicative, pedagogical, and technological collaboration. In P. Comeaux, (Ed.) Communication and collaboration in the online classroom, (pp. 75-91). Bolton, MA: Anker.
Russo, T.C. (2003). Relational communication behaviors and related outcomes in an online class. Proceedings of the 2003 IS and ITE conference.
Benson, S.A. & Russo, T.C. (2002). Distance education: Challenges, paradigms, and pathways for success in microbiology. Focus on Microbiology Education, 9, 3-7.
Sypher, B.D., Russo, T.C. & Curtis, A. (2002). The development of persuasive abilities in college students. American Communication Journal, 5(3).
Russo, T.C. & Koesten, J. (2002). Handbook for Effective Business Communication, 3nd Edition. Kendall-Hunt Custom Publishers.
Russo, T.C., & Chadwick, S.A. (2001, Spring). Making Connections: Enhancing Classroom Learning with a Virtual Visiting Professor. Communication Teacher, 15(3), 7-9. Reprinted in Lucas, E.S. (2003). Selections from the Speech Communication Teacher, 1999-2002.
Russo, T.C. (2001). Operationalizing Mediated Presence: Initial Steps toward a Measure of the Construct (PDF). Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Presence Workshop, Temple University. Available at
Stuart, W.D., Russo, T.C., Sypher, H.E., Simons, T.E., Hallberg, L.K. (2001). Influences of sources of communication on adoption of a communication technology. Diffusing softwareproduct and process innovations (pp. 191-204). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Russo, T.C., & Ford, D. J. (2000). Handbook for Effective Business Communication, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Custom Publishers.
Russo, T.C., Campbell, S., Henry, M.P., & Kosinar, P. (1999). An Online Graduate Class in Communication Technology: Outcomes and Lessons Learned. Electronic Journal of Communication, 9.
Russo, T.C. (1998). Organizational and professional identification: A case of newspaper journalists. Management Communication Quarterly, 12, 72-111.
Selected Presentations —
Panel facilitation (2014). Intercultural Connections in the Digital Age, National Communication Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November.
Invited facilitation and response (2014). Organizational identity panel, International Communication Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA, May 25.
Russo, T.C. (2013, November). What matters at work? Millennial evaluations of work characteristics. Presentation at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Ito, M & Russo, T.C. (2013). Millennials’ expectation of trust for supervisors and coworkers in the workplace. Kansas City, MO. April.
Russo, T.C. (2012). Examining Millennial characterizations as guidance for choosing classroom strategy changes. Top Paper, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL, November.
Banwart, M.C., Russo, T., Bisel, R., Danielson, M.A., & Ford, D.J. (2012). Connecting Communication and Leadership: Empowering Student Voices through Communication and Leadership Pedagogies. Panel accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association,
Hall, D., & Russo, T.C. (2011, November). Hello, my name is ___, and I’m an alcoholic: A study of organizational identification to Alcoholics Anonymous. Competitive paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.
Russo, T.C. (2009, November). Organizational identification in the 21st century. Presentation accepted for the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago.
Russo, T.C., Beck, S., Asbury, M.E., Faimon, S., Beach, S., Carver, L., Mank, R., Markward, L., Spain, A., Villamil, A., & Osborn, K. (2007). Organizational attachment: A multi-disciplinary comparison of operationalizations. Competitive paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago.
Russo, T.C. & Ford, D.J. (2007). Student resistance to reflection exercises and assignments. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago.
Russo, T.C. & Ford, D.J. (2007). Student perceptions of the use of reflective learning techniques. Presented at the annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Sydney, Australia.
Russo, T.C. (2006). A community of practice as a socialization site. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November.
Koesten, J., Russo, T.C., & Ford, D.J. (2006). Bringing health messages home: The role of family health history on employee promotion of organizational health messages at home. Competitive paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November.
Russo, T.C. & Ford, D.J. (2006). Student perceptions of the use of reflective learning techniques. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November.
Russo, T.C., & Klinkenberg, J. (2006). Groups, links and maps: A review of social network research in organizational contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November.
Russo, T.C. (2006). Using jigsaw technique to collaboratively construct knowledge in an advanced organizational communication class. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November.
Russo, T.C. (2005). Building a multi-faceted, multi-audience research agenda on SoTL questions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Boston, November.
Russo, T.C. (2004). Reflecting on reflection: Assessment and introspection. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, November.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
$275,000 - (Submitted to NIH (PA-03-107)) Co-PI. Family, policy and work communication: Intersecting influence on adolescent health. Unfunded.
$4,365 - From Alstom (Switzerland), Ltd. to analyze communication behaviors and related organizational outcomes in an intranet discussion group, 2003.
$500 - From Consortium of Universities for International Business Studies to investigate organizational identification among Italian workers. Summer 2001
$61,666 - From Sprint Corporation to develop and assess an asynchronous online course. 1998-2000
$9,959 - From KU Center for Research to investigate perceptions of presence in group online environments and associated outcomes.