Jordan Atkinson

- Professor of the Practice
- Director, Organizational Communication Graduate Programs
- Director, Professional Studies Undergraduate Programs
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Biography —
Dr. Jordan Atkinson is a Professor of the Practice at the University of Kansas, where he serves as Program Director for the Organizational Communication graduate programs and Professional Studies undergraduate programs. As a communication scholar investigating instructional and organizational communication contexts, Dr. Atkinson's research has been published in the journals Communication Education, Communication Teacher, Journal of Communication Pedagogy, Basic Communication Course Annual, Ohio Communication Journal, and Iowa Journal of Communication. Dr. Atkinson has also published book chapters in Casing Conflict Communication, Communication and Learning, Casing the Family, Communicating Advice, and Casing Sport Communication. Dr. Atkinson regularly presents his research at the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Eastern Communication Association (ECA).
Dr. Atkinson is currently the First Vice President-Elect of the Eastern Communication Association and will plan the 2025 ECA Conference in Buffalo. He currently serves ECA as a member of the Site Selection Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Publications Committee. In previous years, he has served in multiple leadership positions at ECA, including Second Vice President, Chair and Program Planner of several interest groups, the Co-Planner of the 2022 McCroskey and Richmond Undergraduate Scholars Conference, the Program Planner of the Graduate Student Poster Session, the Short Course Director, as an Executive Council member, and a member of the Nominating Committee. Dr. Atkinson also serves as an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Communication Pedagogy, Communication Research Reports, and Communication Quarterly. Dr. Atkinson is also currently serving as Vice Chair and Program Planner of the Instructional Development Division at NCA. At NCA, Dr. Atkinson recently served a three-year term on the Convention Committee. For his service to the discipline, Dr. Atkinson was awarded the 2021 Presidential Citation Award for Service from NCA.
At KU, Dr. Atkinson primarily teaches in the Organizational Communication graduate program. He also serves on the Faculty Evaluation Committee, the University Senate Academic Policies and Procedures Committee, the University Core Curriculum Committee, the School of Professional Studies Academic Council, and the Scholarship Committee. Before going to KU, Dr. Atkinson was a tenured Associate Professor of Communication at Missouri Western State University where he served as Chair of the Graduate Council, on the Faculty Senate, the Honors Committee, and the Three-Minute Thesis Committee. Dr. Atkinson is originally from Pikeville, Kentucky. He completed his Ph.D. in Communication Studies at West Virginia University where he was awarded the Doctoral Student Teaching Award and the Doctoral Student Peer Collegiality Award. Dr. Atkinson completed his M.A. in Communication and two B.A. degrees in Secondary Education and Communication from Morehead State University in Kentucky.