Preparing for Orientation
Welcome & Success Center
Preparing for Orientation
The Edwards Campus is committed to helping you feel comfortable and confident in taking the next step in your career pathway. Please make sure to complete your checklist prior to arriving at your Edwards Campus Onboarding and Orientation Experience in August or January. ***NOTE: MSW students have orientation in April and July. Your progress will be tracked throughout the completion of these items.
Keep an eye on your email for the invite to orientation!
Step 1: Set up your Online ID and Password
You will use this login for many things at KU. Write it down and memorize it.
- Learn the difference between a Student ID vs. Online ID
- Find your student ID number by looking at your admittance letter.
- Set up your online ID
Step 2: Culture Shock: How to create belonging at KU Edwards
Watch the video below
Step 3: Connect with your Academic Advisor
Build your ideal first semester schedule.
You can connect with an academic advisor by visiting our program information page.
Step 4: Get Enrolled / Review Enroll & Pay Account
Make sure you get the classes you want at the times you want them
Are you enrolled? If not, visit our resource on how to enroll. ****NOTE: MSW enrollment occurs at program orientation in April or June.
Step 5: Order your Textbooks
The KU Edwards Campus will send you a code for free shipping on all your textbooks! Watch your email closely and check to see if the new code is available by visiting our bookstore page.
Nice work!
You're ready for orientation.
If you have questions about Pre-Orientation, please contact your academic advisor, email, or call (913) 897-8400.