Each and every gift makes a difference in this annual day of giving. One Day. One KU.

UPDATE: Thank you to the 51 donors who contributed more than $60,499 to the KU Edwards Campus, making the 2023 One Day. One KU. campaign another successful event! The funds will be used to support our students with scholarships and micro-grants.
KU is hosting its sixth-annual One Day. One KU. giving campaign February 16, and each year the impact grows! With donations starting at only $5, everyone can get involved. Last year, through donations large and small, the KU Edwards Campus raised more than $64,125.
The KU Edwards Campus delivers a world-class KU education to the Kansas City metro area and beyond, helping adult learners start, change, or advance their career through high-demand degree and certificate programs. Some quick facts about our students:
- 64% work part-time, 36% work full-time
- Average student age is 27 years old
- 57% graduate students, 43% undergraduate students
- 25% are first-generation college students
- 31% self-identify as an ethnic minority
Money raised February 16 will fund two programs: need-based scholarships and micro-grants.
Need-based scholarship support transfer students in School of Professional Studies programs at the KU Edwards Campus
The School of Professional Studies is dedicated to serving the needs of transfer and nontraditional students, a growing sector of college enrollment. Nathan, a student in the Health Sciences program, is a grateful scholarship recipient. “I started at the University of Kansas in the 90s but was not able to complete the degree,” he said. “It means so much to me to go back and get a degree from KU. I am determined to walk down the hill and every bit of help means a lot.”
Micro-grants help students overcome financial barriers to furthering their education
Enrollment fees, transportation, and family expenses are often roadblocks for those who would otherwise have most of their needs met by traditional financial aid. One Day. One KU. micro-grant funds go to students on the Edwards Campus with these needs, helping to eliminate financial challenges and keep them focused on their education.
Devin is in the Law and Society program and appreciates generous donors who make these micro-grants possible. “You make the world of difference in the lives of students.”

“These need-based scholarships and micro-grants help students accomplish their academic goals,” said Stuart Day, Dean of the Edwards Campus and the School of Professional Studies. “Sometimes it just takes a small boost to enable a student to stay in school.”
Donations made during this one-day campaign have helped launch dozens of students into their academic journey and provided the vital support they needed to continue their education.
With your gift this year, more students will be able to pursue the next step in their educational journey, advance their careers and boost the local economy and workforce.
One Day. One KU. Everyone counts and each gift is important. You make a difference.
Thank you for your consideration.
Remember to visit our giving page today and mark your calendar for Feb. 16!